More on the Finestein Case

Via Chris over at Strange Stuff a response by Hannah Pool on the case I discussed last week. Chris dissects Hannah’s prejudices nicely. However I want to add my tuppennyworth given the stupidity of an article that is riddled with non sequiturs:

You have to hand it to Judge Finestein, he has single-handedly reminded us all precisely how naff the phrase “political correctness gone mad” is. In fact it’s impossible to utter those four little words without inadvertently painting yourself as some sort of Victor Meldrew character.

No, it is not naff (if only it was). Unfortunately thanks to the inane prejudices and knee-jerk stupidity of people like Hannah Pool, it is a reality that we have to face day in day out, where taking excessive offence and demanding public retribution and grovelling apology at every little slight has become de rigeur. (When did our skins become so thin?) This behaviour has become so ingrained in our collective psyche that a playground spat – ugly though it is – is blown out of proportion and ends up before the beak. If that turns us into Victor Meldrews, it is people such as Ms Pool we have to thank for it. I for one am tired of hearing nonsensical accusations of “institutional racism” where there is no such thing. Or, worse, hearing the term racist used where it is entirely inappropriate. As an aside, how often do we hear those advocating immigration control referred to as racists? Race has nothing to  do with it, yet it neatly demonises the accuser’s opponents. Okay, back on subject.

“I was repeatedly called fat at school. Does this amount to a criminal offence? This is political correctness gone mad, it’s crazy,” he said. Ah yes, that old chestnut. When will people realise racism is not just about the words said but the history of oppression behind those words.

A history of which these boys will be insufficiently mature to be aware. Incidentally, calling someone “bin laden” isn’t racist, but that’s nit picking, I guess. :dry:

That said, I am in part agreement with Finestein in as much as I don’t think prosecuting 10-year-olds for racist language, no matter how foul, is particularly helpful (their parents perhaps). But presumably that’s not actually what happened. One moment the boys were happily abusing each other in the playground the next they were up in court? I doubt it somehow.

In which case, Ms Pool is not in part agreement, but in complete agreement with the judge, because that is all that he is saying. As for “playground one minute, court the next”, that is likely to be exactly what has happened given our politically correct world where insulting someone on the basis of race sets lips-a-pursing followed by the mindless rush to censure and prosecute to the maximum, out of proportion to the original offence. The school should have dealt with this – it should never have got to the CPS in the first place.

The CPS has issued a statement saying the three boys involved were offered a formal reprimand (an official slap on the wrist, that is) but only two accepted, the other offender’s family preferring that he go to court and chance his luck by pleading not guilty. Still the CPS’s fault now?

Unequivocally, yes. By taking the chance of court, the child now does not, like his playmates, have a criminal record for life. His parents made the right decision. When presented with this sorry episode, the CPS should have dismissed the complaint as a waste of their time. The complainant should have felt the full wrath of the law for wasting police and CPS’ time. It won’t happen unfortunately, but if it had, frivolous cases such as this would mean that two 10 year old boys wouldn’t have criminal records for a playground spat and Judge Finestein wouldn’t be making judgements that offend the politically correct ears of Hannah Pool.

Now playing: Fleetwood MacMystified


  1. I’m with you and the judge on this one. Interesting that the judge is Jewish. I suspect that he was called more than ‘fat’ if he went to other than a Jewish school.

  2. You do surprise me, John :whistle:

    Yes, I suspect the Judge understands all too well – rather more than Ms Pool gives him credit for. As I pointed out in the earlier piece, the Judge had all the facts of the case to hand when making the judgement, Ms Pool does not. Indeed, her article responded to strawmen in places as she was engaging on her own flights of fancy rather than responding to what Finestein actually said in his judgement.

  3. My comments about the judge being Jewish were based on memories of my best friend at school, a Jewish lad, and some of the cruel names he was called in the playground.

  4. My problem with the four word phrase is that PC as a ‘movement’ never really existed until those ‘opposed’ to it started complaining about it. Mostly, the ‘pc phrases’ are stupidity and wolly do-gooderism not actually sensible comment.

    This collectivist ‘don’t offend’ sensibility is damaging individual action. Someone says something offensive, I tell them they’re a fool and/or a bigot, I don’t tell them they can’t say it, just that they’re wrong. Stupid. Stupid stupid stupid.

    Completely OT, but I just feel the need to use this smiley, just because. :rock:

    Wow, it’s even called Rock as well.

  5. “I tell them they’re a fool and/or a bigot, I don’t tell them they can’t say it, just that they’re wrong.”

    That rather sums up the difference between the classical liberal mindset and the modern “liberal” one. The former believes in free speech, the latter believes in “correct” speech.

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