1. Don’t forget that the prisons are full, and the judges will have been reminded of that. So, if the defendant has not personally committed serious violence and there’s no political angle, then any defence lawyer who is able to construct a superficially plausible plea for a non-custodial sentence is shooting at an open goal. It won’t just be rich celeb criminals who will benefit from this situation.

      • Yes, it ought to. But my point is that when the prisons are full and the judges know that the government doesn’t want them to pass any more custodial sentences than they absolutely have to, then they will be looking for reasons why the defendant should not go to jail rather than reasons why he should.

  2. Another nail hammered into the massive pile of nails.

    There isn’t even the tiniest splinter of the coffin of British (enter cherished characteristic of choice, justice in this case) remaining. Not even a single molecule of cellulose!!

  3. Funny some one made the comment that they didn’t think he would work at the BBC again. I assume they were being sarcastic.

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