Well That Escalated Quickly

I got a goon visit.

I love how they refer to themselves as orificers. They are door-to-door salesmen and I treat them accordingly. This one called when I was out. Oddly enough, Mrs L elect was in but didn’t hear anyone at the door, so maybe this was one of those hit and run visits.

Either way, I will definitely be ignoring it. I will not be acting within seven days. I have no need of what they are selling, so they can go fuck themselves.


  1. I sometimes in the past amused myself by imagining a letter to the head of this shower, along the lines of “It appears that you are using a computer that accesses the Internet. This can be used for viewing illegal content, and if it seems that you have been doing so…….”

  2. I had the Christmas one. I threw it in the bin and nobody came. Mind you, Roger the Rottweiler likes to wander around in the front garden. He’s soft a shit, but he has a really deep bark. The worst you’d get from him is a nasty lick. Crapita don’t know that though.

  3. I’m hoping to be able to join in the fun. I cancelled the direct debit and have had a letter but my daft daughter took out a licence in her name. Bloody fifth columnists!

    • That could lead to some fun further down the line. My wife and I lived together for a year before we got married. The TV licence was in her maiden name and didn’t get changed over. We used to get letters saying we don’t have a licence and I would ring them up and say ‘Oh yes we do’.

  4. Looking at their website, I am intrigued by many of the language options available, which might be indicative of “criminality” – Albanian, Lithuanian (but not Latvian), French, Spanish, Portuguese (but not Dutch, German or Italian), Somali, Romanian (but not Bulgarian), Gaelic and ….. Welsh.
    I won’t comment any more for fear of being accused of Hate Speech.

  5. Reply in Esperanto using unstamped envelope. Or whatever language and script that J.R.Ahrr Tolkien devised.
    Such larks.

  6. Simply ignore them and don’t engage in any way, shape or form.

    However tempting don’t send anything.

    I filled in the online declaration two years ago. The two year “grace” period, of course, was meaningless. I should simply have cancelled the DD and left it at that.

    It’s the money they want and desperately need, but the drones need commission and alas, far too many of them get it far too easily.

  7. When my mother was taken into a care home, I rang to cancel her licence (which I pay for) and take one out in my own name, and the chap suggested I don’t do this, but keep paying hers, because she got a discount I wouldn’t get! ‘We’ll just forget you called, madam?’

    Obviously all the great at customer service employees get moved to the phone lines!

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