That’s Twice Now

Given that two pieces from the Telegraph have been debunked within the past few days, it tends to reinforce my general view of the media; i.e. not altogether factual when it comes to a good story. Okay, so given that all of the media contains some bias – and the Telegraph is generally right of centre – I always seek alternative sources to try and get an informed, balanced picture. If one publication uses unreliable sources for a story, it should show up elsewhere. That’s the theory, anyway. Consequently, I tend to trawl through most of the online news agencies and make a judgement based upon the consensus. Unfortunately, many of them get stories from each other and embellish along the way. This, it seems, is what happened with the German Prostitute story.

For me, this poses a problem. Where does one get the facts? Particularly when trying to follow issues that really matter. What hope is there for those of us who just want to know what’s going on?


  1. That German prostitute story did seem a bit far-fetched to me, but truth is stranger than fiction sometimes.

    If a story hasn’t changed in a week or two, then maybe there is something to it. ;^)Visit me @

    [Longrider replies] Which is why it is so difficult to sort the wheat from the chaff.

  2. I have to admit, I look on the papers and television news now as infotainment, rather than a serious commentary on what’s going on in the world.

    On a sideline, wow are your cats going?Queenie

    [Longrider replies] Infotainement is a bit too “1984” for my liking – drugging the masses with pap and blinding them to what is really going on. As for the cats – Ptolemy and Thutmose are having a stand-off at the moment. I think it’s a hierarchy thing. Things might change when Ahmose comes on heat – Thutmose is a full Tom and Ptolemy isn’t

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