Could This be True

The Independent’s online page has an article that suggests the ID Card Legislation is dead in the water. Apparently because the Tories are not supporting the bill and they have the majority in the lords, HMG recognises that they will not get it through in time for the general election (widely speculated to be 5th May).

“The ID cards Bill is dead,” one minister told The Independent yesterday.

Well, I certainly hope so.

Of course, this is the media we are talking about – and the government is not one to give up so easily. If they get re-elected in May, then it will be business as usual – and, possibly, the Parliament at to force it through if the Peers cut up rough.

However, if the report is true, then

The death of the Bill in the current parliamentary session means that it would have to start its passage all over again, if Labour wins a third term. That would leave less time for the public sector reforms that Tony Blair wants to dominate the first year after the election to show that his administration has not run out of steam.

I really, really want this to be true.

All we have to do now is make sure that their majority is slashed so much that any attempts to put it through are scuppered by effective opposition.