Suspected Terrorists, All

Further to my comments about Neu Labour’s use and abuse of the anti terrorism legislation to stifle dissent, the Scotsman carries a rather disturbing statistic today. During the five days of the Labour Party conference, 600 people were detained by the police under the powers of the anti terrorism legislation. Yes, you read it right 600 people, that’s 120 per day. My word, that’s a lot of suspected terrorists…

A spokesman for the Home Office was in defiant mood when defending this outrageous behaviour:

“Stop and search under Section 44 is an important tool in the on-going fight against terrorism.

“The powers help to deter terrorist activity by creating a hostile environment for terrorists.”

He added that the justification for authorising the use of the powers was “intelligence-led and based on an assessment of the threat against the UK.”

Clearly he and I have differing views on the meaning of intelligence.

1 Comment

  1. It is a staggering number of people and not one actual arrest was made. BTW Did you read that more British police forces are to adopt BLACK ‘para-military’ style uniforms ? ….”Papers please” !

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