Autumn Colour

Much as I dislike this time of the year; the interminable forced jollity of the countdown to Christmas, the fireworks going off incessantly for weeks on end, the dreadful trick or treat and the long, dark nights, there is always the beauty of nature.
This morning, the light was too inviting. I threw my clothes on and grabbed the camera. During a half an hour or so. I rattled off these shots. All were taken within a five minute walk of my home.


  1. How lovely, I’ve just woken up to a fairly damp day here in South Wales, came here to your blog and enjoyed a bit of the sunshine you have been lucky to have.

    Thanks for sharing! I am now feeling inspired, so I’m gonna get out for a walk.
    BTW, I can see you were sporting your “Vineyard Haven”…. 😉 Makes a good lens shade I’ll bet… I wear a Stetson when I’m shooting and it’s great for avoiding flare.
    Have a good day! Kat

  2. Yes, it has been quite bright the last couple of days which has made for some nice pre-winter scenes. I like the berries shot, good bit of macro work going on there.

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