Winter Sunrise

Getting up early has its compensations.

This time of the year resonates to the sound of car windows being scraped, the chattering of tired starter motors and footsteps crunching on icy pavements. The air hangs heavy with frosted breath as people suck the icy atmosphere into their lungs. The reality of the work day world in winter isn’t a pleasant one, with fingers and noses nipped by the bitter cold. Yet the light is fantastic…

And half an hour later:


  1. Especially in winter, I’m glad not to have to get up early to work.

    Scraping a car at six am majorly sucks.

  2. Lovely exploding sunshine pic that is. I’ve never been a morning person which I guess is why I’ve always concentrated on the sunsets and my house facing West helps in that. I don’t tend to get that nice misty quality that the sunrise can have tho

  3. Not just great pics but totally evocative too, I feel my nose getting pinched by the cold as I sit here. Hang on, I’d better close the window 🙂

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