MyDV – A Teeny Bit More

I’ve been getting a lot of hits on the postings concerning MyDV, which is no bad thing. People need to know what is going on. When doing a Google check, I found that my comments are second only to that of MyDV themselves. If this helps people avoid buying from this company – or, more accurately, avoids giving them money for nothing – then that is no bad thing.

Following on from one commentor’s points, I have emailed GeoTrust, the company that provides their secure payment system. After all, by providing this service, GeoTrust is unwittingly contributing to the deception engaged in by the trader. I await their reply with interest. Hopefully, there will be a critical mass of bad press that will force the site to close. Companies that trade in this manner need to be stopped. If you have paid for goods that have not arrived, I suggest that you contact them quickly. If you can’t get through on the number given on the website, then I’m told this one will work: 0207 993 4696.

If you paid by credit card, your credit card supplier is jointly liable, so if necessary claim through them. If you cancel, they will wait 30 days for MyDV to refund your money – mine took two weeks; rather longer than the 3 – 4 days MyDV promised.

A final reminder to any Googlers researching this company:

They are a USA based company purporting to be trading in the UK. The prices quoted in UK Sterling do not reflect the actual price that will be charged to your credit card. This will be in US Dollars and will be affected by the prevailing exchange rate. Also, the prices do not include UK VAT, so you may find yourself hit by import duty. That is, should any product get that far. So far, I have come across no one who has received any goods.

Avoid this company like the proverbial plague.

Meanwhile, you might find this site interesting.


  1. We also bought a PSP from MyDv which has not yrt arrived and something tells me never will.
    I am now trying to claim my money back.

  2. I was suspicious the minute I made the order as no tracking information was available or delivery date. I tried to e-mail with no response & tried to phone without success. I am trying to get money back as I don’t believe goods will arrive. Been told have to wait 3 – 4 days before credit card company can investigate. Glad to read your information as it confirmed my suspicions.

  3. I haven’t recieved a response from GeoTrust yet, or MyDV’s server provider. The latter is especially disappointing, as they can be libel due to the fact they are now knowingly hosting an illegal site.

    I have, however, received a part-refund from MyDV. For those who don’t know, I paid £506.10 for a camcorder (invoice was £491.99), and they’ve refunded… £479.89. I’m now badgering them for the rest.

    Bottom line: never, EVER order from this ‘company’.


  5. Just about to buy a Sony camera from mydv, as was cheapest I could find on net. Decided to check out company and discovered your site so THANKS for warning me off!!

  6. i thought i purchased a archos av 700 for £295.00, but in reality i have been charged£ 304.99 , i have been in touch with the credit card company and they have put a freeze on the transaction, and they also told me to write a letter of cofirmation, so with a bit of luck i should get the money back from these rip off merchants.

  7. I was lured by ‘cheaper than high street prices’ into attempting to purchase a Sony camcorder from myDV. I thought they were UK based because of the uk web address and the telephone number which suggested a base in London. Like Pam Lennon I was suspicious the minute I placed the order due to there being no date for delivery. I emailed the site and got no response, which made me even more suspicious as in my experience all legitimate lenders are only too happy to reassure customers. I tried the phone line and got an American recording from a ‘mailbox’ which, unsurprisingly – had no room left for messages. By this time I thought I knew that I’d been scammed, but your site and others confirmed things for me. I immediately wrote and told the site that, if they take the money from my account, they will be investigated by the fraud dept of my bank. Unfortunately the bank can do nothing until the crime is committed ie – the money taken, and as yet it remains in ‘holding’ but it has only been two days since I ordered. If the company is found to be committing fraud my bank will refund my payment – so that is something at least, and your site, together with will no doubt help to confirm this companies illegal trading. I feel really stupid for allowing myself to be tricked by the lure of £50 off high street prices, in order to try and save money I have ended up losing £320.00, at least until the investigation is over – and at this time of year who can afford to lose that much? In future I will stick to the names I know. Has anyone contacted the tv programme Watchdog about this scam? Its a pity we can’t alert more people BEFORE they also lose their hard earned cash.

  8. We ordered a PSP as it was the only place to get one on 7th November, they took the money plus extra. Promised delivery 21st Nov, then 2nd December – nothing. Have been in touch and they said it will come 16th Dec. I cancelled order and asked for a refund. 7-10 days they have said. I have been back on since and a guy (in India) said my PSP has been dispatched????? I had an irate conversatin with him and assured him it was cancelled but he would not or could not put me through to the finance dept who he claimed would be dealing with the refund. I have asked my credit card company to put it into dispute which they have but they ahve told me I need to wait now to hear from them. does anyone know anything about what happens if the card company can’t get it back. My card is a Visa with the Halifax. Can I prove they fraudulently took money? If so, do I get out of paying it? incidentally got a PSP from Argos on 5th December online – delivered as promised.

    ”’Longrider replies: If it turns up, you can refuse delivery. Do you have any confirmation that it was cancelled? Unlikely, I know, I never had anything other than the chat transcript telling me to telephone. Your credit card company cannot do anything until 30 days after you originally cancelled anyway.”’

    ”’For the moment, you have to wait and see what happens first – 30 days or the goods arrive.”’

  9. Back on November 9th I supidly bought a PSP on this website. I’m usually level headed but as they are supposed to be based in the UK and had good prices I went for it. I got worried the second they confirmed the order but not when I was going to get the product.
    Three days later my account was debited significantly more than the product is worth. I went straight to my bank to see where I stood. Barclays informed me that because I paid using a Visa DELTA I had to wait 30 days before they could take action! I have been stewing since then. I cant get through as their ‘mailbox’ is full. They do not respond to emails either.
    I have however, managed to speak to 5 different people in the last month who have all promised a return of the overcharge. This has not materialised.
    I have been lucky enough to get through today, the not-so-english operator gave me a DHL tracking number. Horray!! Which appears to be real, but I’m not getting too confident yet. I am so cross with myself for being drawn into this circus. I will post more on Monday – let you know if the PSP ever arrived!

  10. No e-mail confirmation after 15 days and they took an additional £7 pounds from my account. I will be contacting EGG whom I am sure will secure a refund for me. I will not drop this even if I have to go to the States and kick his butt myself!

    ”’Longrider replies: EGG will do as other card account providers and wait for the 30 days before doing anything. If others’ experience is anything to go by, you will get your money back… eventually.”’

    [ Rogue Trader Watch]

  11. Hello again everyone. Well to my surprise the product has just arrived at my office! I have checked the product is new – it is, and even called a local company to check it over….. This is where it all goes wrong. MyDV have sent me an import. This meant very little to me until the nice man explained it further. It means I cannot play the movies on the PSP, no warrenty, and even some games bought in the UK wont work. DHL are on their way back. I have demanded a refund. Lets see if this happens!! I beg anyone even remotely interested in their products to stay clear of them.

    ”’Longrider replies: Unfortunately, this comes as no surprise whatsoever.”’

    [ Rogue Trader Watch]

  12. We also bought a psp from mydv back in November believing this was a uk based company.The goods were supposed to be 169 pounds although 186 pounds was taken from our account and after waiting for a few weeks the goods never showed.We have now cancelled the order but have not yet had any written confirmation of the cancellation or any refund.We have now sent an email to the bbc watchdog site to try to highlight this company,to try to stop other people being drawn into it.

  13. Having bought many electrical goods safely and securely over the internet, when viewing the mydv website I saw nothing to raise any suspicions. I ordered a digital camera on 6 December but became suspicious when I did not receive any seperate email confirmation or tracking information. When trying the phone (and the other number given above)I just get the message that the mailbox is full. I have tried emailing them thru the contact us link and through “live chat” but no response. I have now noticed that they charged an extra few pounds on my credit card. I have now sent a strongly worded email giving a deadline for them to respond and a further deadline for the delivery date, and advising that if they fail to meet these deadlines and also taking into account the overcharging, they are, at the very least, in breach of contact. I have also advised that if they fail to respond satisfactorily I will take legal action. I hope this will elicit a response but I am not holding my breath, and expect to be notifying my credit card company of the problem in the next few days.


  15. Ref Danny’s cry for help, go to, there’s loads of good advice on that site. What I did was keep ringing (after 1200 gmt) because they are in the States, until I got an answer. Told them to cancel my order and demanded an email confirmation of cancellation and also emailed them to confirm cancellation.Gave them a 48 hour deadline to refund my money or legal action would follow.This was on 13/12/05 so I’m still waiting. When you contact them disregard any blandishments about delivery or tracking numbers because they are all lies anyway. Just keep insisting you want to cancel, which you can do within seven days of purchase with no reason whatsoever

  16. I too have made orders from MYDV.All the information given so far on this site is true! Shame i never seen any information on there scam before hand! I also found them trading under the name NEPINE which is on the net search.I only found NEPINE through an email they sent me about my orders! NAME AND SHAME ‘MYDV’ and ‘NEPINE’.All i can do is wait for a refund or product arrival!

  17. i found mydv through a google search when trying to compare prices for came up as not only a sponsored link but recommended! i placed an order and got a confirmation it was “being processed” and would be updated shortly.the next day the funds debited my acc in usa dollars for more than the agreed uk pounds price which worried me as this is illegal. i have since emailed,telephoned,chat-linked the site to discuss this with no avail. i have now reported them to my bank as fraudsters and to watchdog so fingers crossed i will get my money back.i urge anyone who has problems with this company to report them to watchdog and the police too.

  18. Thanks for your useful and supportive site. My situation is similar to those already reported. Therefore I will say no more. JWH

    ”’Longrider replies: I’ve also set up [ Rogue Trader Watch] as a resource to help people.”’

  19. I ordered a psp on the 17th November & was told it would be delivered within 2 wks. I’m still waiting! It was supposed to cost £169.95 but they took £187.18 out of my account. I have tried to cancel this order but the on-line chat staff (which took me 45 mins to get through to) will not accept it & have told me to phone them. What a joke that is! It’s useless nobody answers! I’ve tried e-mailing them but no reply. How can you cancel if nobody is listening to you. I am now writing to my bank as I paid for it on my debit card. I don’t know if the same rules apply as for credit cards. I have also notified watchdog. Something needs to be done . They shouldn’t be allowed to get away with this!

    ”’Longrider replies: That’s why I set up [ Rogue Trader Watch] as a resource for people to share information and warn each other.”’

  20. Contact at last!! after 10days of emails and calls i finally got through to mydv’s indian call centre and was able to cancel my order, hurrah!! i have been assured that i will get a cancellation email within the next 48hrs and that my money will be returned within the next 7-10 days. fingers crossed i will get my money back but after reading so many bad reports for this company i am not holding my breath just yet.

    ”’Longrider replies: You should get the bulk of your money back in 7 – 10 days. You will find it short, though and will have to chase for the rest.”’

    [ Rogue Trader Watch]

  21. hi,
    well im another of the many people who have been fiddled out of there hard earned cash by these conmen…….i like many ordered a psp for my son and a ipod for my daughter both for christmas presents…my mistake,i did get through to a indian chap who said that they had just go delivery of my items and said they WILL be with me in the next seven days,NO PROBLEM!!!well its gone seven days,heard nothing since,and you’ve got no chance of getting contact with these flyboys!ive sent 12 emails up till now,rang loads of times and ive got a gut feeling about this……no goods!
    im disabled,money is very tight,and the two big presents my kids were having are i feel no more…i cannot replace the money that these two items have cost me (should have cost me £298.00…..they took from the debit card £309.00!)i live in hope,but i fear the worst,me,ok ive done my money,should have known better,my kids,they dont have any christmas presents because of these so and so’s (i can think of a few things worse than this!!!!

    ”’Longrider replies: Unfortunately, using a debit card does not give you the same protection you would have got if you used a credit card. Don’t’ give up hope, however. Keep trying to get hold of them and cancel your order. So far, people are getting the bulk of their money back.”’

    [ Rogue Trader Watch]

  22. This all sounds very familiar! Was only overcharged for my PSP by £10, but it was ordered 26th November, so I’m not holding out much hope of ever getting it. Have emailed and phoned, to no avail – yet. Hopefully my credit card company can sort something. Mine was a Christmas present too – have had to buy another one – from a reputable company this time!

    ”’Longrider replies: Your credit card company will wait 30 days before taking any action. If you can get hold of MyDV and cancel, you will get the bulk of your money back. It will take about two weeks for it to arrive back in your account.”’

    [ Rogue Trader Watch]

  23. Bougt a PSP from this site on 20th Nov. Everything seemed fine but then tried to call and got a international ring tone and an answering machine telling me mail box full!

    This made me very nervous and I decided to have a look on Google and here I am. My tip (maybe drastic but at least I have not lost any money) is to check with your card issuer through their fraud section. If your card has not been debited you can cancel the card. Ok it takes a few days to get a new card and you might have to set up new one clicks etc. But at least you dont loose your money.

    Good luck to veryone and I am indebted to those before me!

  24. wtf i orderd my psp and nothing yet, what now? no awnser or phone, no emails took almost 30 pounds more off my bank account. and they disapeared.

    ”’Longrider replies: So far as I am aware, they haven’t disappeared – they are just very difficult to get hold of. Doubtless this is due to the high volume of customer complaints. Keep trying to get through and cancel if you want your money back.”’

    [ Rogue Trader Watch]

    I foolishly ordered a mini Ipod from MyDV without checking them out. After trying numerous times to reach them via the phone and by email I attempted a live chat. I was determined to wait as long as it took (1 1/2 hours), only to be told the item wasn’t in stock and couldn’t be guaranteed for Christmas. I then came across a web site , so it looks like I can kiss goodbye to the hope of getting my IPOD. I’ve been in touch with my credit card company to get the payment back!!

    ”’Longrider replies: Yes, your best bet is to write off any idea of getting the goods and concentrate on getting your money back.”’

    [ Rogue Trader Watch]

  26. It is pointless explaining my story as it it much the same as everyone else’s ordered something took incorrect amount out of bank, cancelled the order and have spent the last two weeks trying to get our money back. Thanks for the site don’t feel so silly now as were not the only one’s duped by this company. The thing is everything looks so genuine.

    ”’Longrider replies: Indeed it does – the GeoTrust secure system adds weight to the impression. Of course, if you really delve there are tell-tale signs; no address for example, the 24/7 customer service contradicted by the office opening hours on another page. Little things that if you are looking will give the game away. I’m pretty cynical, but I got caught. I’ll be much more careful in future.”’

    [ Rogue Trader Watch]

  27. Further to my posting on 13th December, I actually had a phone call from “Kurt” from mydv. I was out of the office but he left message advising that my order was being despatched. This despite my several emails (email address [email protected]) cancelling the order and requesting a full refund. He left the normal phone no. 0207 993 4698 which I have never been able to get thru on despite trying at different times on numerous occasions. However, my colleague had the good sense to write down the nunber that appeared on our phone screen which was 00 1 31 22 241676. On my first attempt it was answered and I asked to speak to someone about my “mydv” order. They seemed surprised and I was put on hold but I was just left hanging. I phoned again and just asked for Kurt and I was put through. He advised that he had phoned me because he was randomly going thru a list of complaints and had picked mine out. He assured me that my order was being despatched and I would receive it Tuesday or Wednesday. As it happens the camera was a present and I needed it by this weekend and I have now purchased it elsewhere. I told Kurt that as per my email instructions I wanted to cancel the order and have a full refund, including the overcharged amount. He confirmed that he would cancel the order and arrange the refund. Watch this space, I’ll let you know what happens.

    ”’Longrider replies: This a new tactic – I wonder if there will be more of this as the company tries to stem the flow of bad publicity?”’

    [ Rogue Trader Watch]

  28. I too fell foul to the unethical trading practices of myDV.They overcharged me order was placed on 12th november for a sony psp. Its now 17th december and i am still waiting.. wow wasnt that fast delivery!!
    I will not sit on my butt and let them get away with this. Despite numerous phone calls and emails they remain elusive..
    So i have filed a report with the FBI internet fraud department regarding the overcharge, written to the attorney general in Massachusetts highlighting my concerns over the legality of the companies trading procedures, written to BBC watchdog, contacted the trading standards department. I have also contacted the media in MR Paradies hometown with the hope that they will expose this man and his company.
    In the meantime i have to explain to a young boy that santa wont be coming this year as he has been duped by a sly unethical company who promised to get his pressies to him but have display no intention of doing so.
    Mrs L Perera LLB

    ”’Longrider replies: The Attorney General is seeking a court order to shut the site down.”’

    [ Rogue Trader Watch]

  29. Back again. Well I managed to get through to them on the phone (0207 993 4694) & told them I wanted to cancel my order & was put through to ‘Kurt'(like John yesterday). I was told that they could get my order to me within 2 days but I told them that I had already bought the psp elsewhere as it had taken too long to arrive. Eventually he said he would cancel the order & told me I had to e-mail them a copy of my bank statement to show how much they took out & then they would refund the total amount in 7 – 10 days. I’m now waithing for an e-mail confirming all this. Watch this space!

    ”’Longrider replies: You should get your money back in about two weeks. In the meantime, it looks as if MyDV’s days are numbered.”’

    [ Rogue Trader Watch]

  30. Hi
    Take a look on matrixwatch I have put a posting on there with advice on how to get your money back if paid by debit card. i did. Same story to all the other postings above. Good news though, the attorney general has suspended their business!
    Good luck to all of you

    ”’Longrider replies: link here: []”’

  31. AMAZINGLY, I received my goods from MyDV on Friday (ordered on Dec 1st). This was after I emailed thme with details of legal action that I was entering into against them.
    I have read entries on this, and other forums and am truthfully amazed that I received anything at all! Good luck to everyone else waiting for goods or refunds from this awful bloody company…

  32. To all mydv customers:

    MYDV was operating out of Massachusetts in the USA. Thanks to dozens of complaint letters to the Mass. Attorney General’s Office, this company has been slapped with a lawsuit from the state of Massachusetts. Read more about the suit here:


    IMPORTANT: This press release specifically states the following:

    “Assistant Attorneys General from AG Reilly’s Office will be in court today seeking a temporary restraining order and a permanent injunction to stop from advertising, promoting or offering for sale digital and video equipment, consumer electronics and accessories as well as requiring it to pay civil penalties and restitution.”

    *** Note that civil penalties could suggest that those folks who are victims of MYDV might get some sort of financial reimbursement for their trouble. ***

    So what’s the point, right?

    As an administrator at, I specialize in streamlining the effort of organizing fraud victims for just this sort of case. We (Matrixwatch) have started a victim register (see the link below).


    This list of victims will eventually be sent to the Attorney General’s office….hopefully allowing these victims to obtain restitution ($$$) for their troubles with mydv.

    Matrixwatch is a 100% free service…no strings attached whatsoever. If you feel you have been defrauded by mydv, visit the link above today!

  33. Ordered a PSP on the 10th December for a christmas present for my son. I normally check out internet firms in advance, but due to the shortage of psps’s and the closeness of christmas, I was a little hasty this time. Four days later I get an email that has been sent to me from the USA. It states that the goods will be shipped in the next two days. Being susupicious of the USA origin of the email I google mydv and find a mass of complaints ugh!!.

    Anyway the same as others, can’t get through on the phone , mailbox is full etc. I cancel by email on the 14th December and get an email back on the 17th December saying I have to cancel by phone!!. You get the picture. Anyway finally get through on the phone on the 19th December to be told already dispatched. Anyway I go ballistic for a few minutes and the guy then asks if I want to cancel the order? I say Yes, and he says he will put me through. Then, you’ve guessed it, nothing. I eventually ring back and miraculously get through to someone else, I’m told the order is cancelled and I should get a refund in the next 7 -10 days?

    Anyway, I’m not holding my breath, just have to wait and see what happens. What should I do if the goods arrive, refuse to accept or accept and send them back? Has anybody copped for import duty? I’ve phoned trading standards, but to be honest they weren’t a lot of help. I’m just hoping they refund me the money, managed to get a psp home delivered from Argos, so at least my son is sorted.

    I paid by visa credit card, so hopefully this will help.

    Mydv are a pain in the a**e.

    ”’Longrider replies: Given that the goods are likely to be non UK compatible, the best option is to refuse them. You you have cancelled the order – go with that option and concentrate on getting your money refunded.”’

  34. I orderd 2 psps with them i then read the comments on this website so i rang the bank and cancelled my debit card, up to now no money has been debited yet… i recieved the goods yesterday but it says only to be used and sold in Japan so i guess they are useless.I’m packing them back off today!

  35. MYDV – SCAM. Have just contact MYDV to ask about a PSP that was ordered in Nov. Was told that it was shipped yesterday (20/12) by DHL. I then contacted DHL security department. DHL are currently investigating this company and are not accepting any shipments from them. Please be aware.

  36. CAN’T believe it – i’ve never bought anything significant from the internet & my first buy is from myDV… the theiving scum. How frustrating they are in the USA otherwise I would seek them out!!! Thanks for the helpful comments on how to seek redress etc…

  37. Having ordered psp on 31 October it arrived today 21 Dec by DHL. My credit card had applied a credit for the full amount at the end of Nov. but with a proviso I could still be charged. My attempts to cancel the order went unheeded and DHL when delivering it were not prepared to take it back! How much to return it to USA?

    ”’Longrider replies: Bloody expensive, so don’t go there. Insist that MyDV arrange for its return. Use email or keep trying to get through on the phone. Don’t take “no” for an answer and don’t pay for the return postage.”’


  39. What can we do? I ordered something on 22nd October and was ovrcharged! I have been guaranteed delivery for xmas lol! How am i going to get it in time from usa to uk when it is already 21st today. The item was xmas present for 1 of my children, how can you tell a child they don’t have a present? I like the gentleman on an earlier post finds money VERY tight so cannot buy a replacement pressie! I am sick of not being able to get through on the phone and can no longer get live chat help (not that they help, they just lie!) I bought from them believing they were reputable co. in london and bought in good faith and trusted that they would deliver. Paid by debit card so does that mean i’ll never get my money back? This is making me so ill!! Can anyone offer em help and advice as to how i can get my goods/money back?

  40. In the same boat as others here. Ordered a fuji s9000 camera – my Visa has beeen debited – in pounds for the correct amount amazingly. Still waiting for delivery though – have given them until tomorrow to deliver – they said def by Friday (not holding my breath though! Utter scum they are

  41. I ordered a psp on 14/11 and pretty much the same story everyone else. I got through to cancel this morning and have been told they will recredit my account (I hold my breath) but that I will incur a 15% re-stocking fee, whatever the hec that is, because the goods have already been shipped out. That seems to be a new one!
    I told them that this wasn’t mentioned in the terms and conditions but it didn’t seem to matter.
    Can they really take this money from my account does any know?

  42. I spoke with American Express this morning who have agreed with no hesitation to refund the whole amount myDV stole from me. They followed it up with the statement that thought they had now gone into liquidation.

  43. ordered a digital camera 6.12.05. Heard nothing. Tried ringing and have been promised delivery by tomorrow, then Saturday. Don’t believe them. Phoned my credit card company who says they have charged more than the price stated, but they cannot investigate until 45 days after I made the order, in case it arrives. Should I cancel (if I can get through) and notify credit card company of same.

    ”’Longrider replies: As it is over 30 days, claim a refund from your credit card company on the basis of non-delivery of goods”’

  44. I to have been ripped of by mydv i purchased a psp never got it trying to get money back, been told that if paid by credit card that credit card company may be partly held to account try them and see never know

  45. My experience of myDV mirrors all the above – ordered on 1st December and have recieved nothing, not been able to contact them via email or phone and they have overcharged me.
    As a result have emailed them to inform them of cancelling my order and legal proceedings, emailed the Massachusets Attorneys office as instructed by the excellent Also contacted my credit card company and am sending them all the order confirmations etc aso I am hoping I will get my money back.
    I am also going to email GeoTrust (who certify the site is genuine) and research what your can do to alert the US authorities of fraudulent dealings. Not going to let this one rest!
    I mainly feel bads for people who have bought christmas presents and now don’t have them.

  46. well further to my last contact on 15/12/05,just thought i would let you know (but i guess you’ve heard this a thousand times!)i still have not received my psp & ipod that i ordered through this so called company!!!!!!!!!on 20/11/05.
    but during the past two weeks i have had three yes three emails from mydv stating that they would be sending my goods in the very near future in one,the next stated that they would confirm that my goods will arrive before christmas…..and the third,they stated that they would guarantee my goods would be with me next week before christmas (that was the week thats just gone!!)well true to form ive seen no goods….had no more emails for the past two weeks and i have tried morning ,noon and night to get to speak to these so and sos i feel now that its time to give up!
    i did however get to speak to an indian sounding chappie 3 weeks ago and told him i wished to cancel my order (this after trying to do this via 9 emails i had previously sent mydv the last saying that to cancel i had to ring them!!!)well i tried to get through to this chaps head but he was i feel on another planet!!all he said to me was my goods had been processed and were on there way……….well i think they must be on a world tour!!!
    he said if i didnt want the goods i would have to send them back with the courier…..fat chance eh!
    well like i said i have had no goods and i feel that there wont be any coming my way…….
    i have notified the bank of this so called company,and i have been advised to notify the police i will be in touch if miracles happen (ive got more chance at the lottery!)
    well despite these conmen……i wish all, a very happy christmas,and maybe the directors of mydv will enjoy the new year in a prison cell somewhere.

  47. if u want to contact them by phone keep on ringing constantly.
    I got through twice today and they said my order has been dispatched and will be here before 12 noon saturday 24th. post back when i’ll get it.

  48. ordered a battery for my nikon camera as the battery that came with the camera was recalled because of a fault, so thinking i would not have a battery for xmas ordered one from mydv on my credit card. all i got was lies on delivery, thankfully it was only £12.95, which was taken out of my account on the 10/12/05 1 day after my order. i feel so sorry for people who ordered christmas presents and will have to do without. hope these people have a rotten xmas. Bert.

  49. Despite the court action apparently being taken against mydv it appear that they have surcased under another name: PSP Universe.

    Check out and you will find the following information:

    PSPUniverse is owned and operated by an international company called NEPCO, with headquarters at 1432 Main Street, Waltham, MA 02451, USA. Our customer contact center is located in Bangalore, India. Please contact us via the contact us form on the website, via email: [email protected] or by phone: 0161 870 6584.

    ”’Longrider replies: Thanks for the heads-up. I’ve put a warning up on [ Rogue Trader Watch] and advised Peter over at [ MyDV-ripoff]”’

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