Of All the Stupid Things to Say

Joan Ryan has picked up the poison chalice that is Identity Cards and was mauled yesterday in the commons over the matter as commented upon by Simon Hoggart.

ID cards are going to make every other botched new system look like the merest blip, a minor accident, the equivalent of getting an email asking if your penis is too large and needs to be reduced.

Yesterday at Home Office questions the minister in charge of the cards, Joan Ryan – and if you already lack confidence in the coming system, I beg you not to listen to Ms Ryan for fear of sleepless nights and trouble-laden days – said that one of the many benefits of ID cards would be help in the fight against identity theft.

Identity theft seems to be the last bastion of these charlatans who would catalogue us and watch our every move to satisfy their own freakish control fetish. The last indefensible bastion of the morally and ideologically bankrupt. Ms Ryan offered us this:

She blathered about “getting the rollout right” and “procurement timetables”. We learned that “soundings have given us sound advice”.

Perhaps I should be generous, accept that she is taking the flak for her obnoxious boss and let her be. That’s why she was spouting utter nonsense. From her mouth gushed management speak at its worst. I’m almost expecting “ball-park figures” and “touching base” along with “level playing fields”. Ye gods, where do they dig these idiots up from?

Why should I be generous? We pay these people to represent us and they repay our generosity with an attempt to impose this scheme on us for their own nefarious ends. Generosity is not deserved; utter contempt is, however, and utter contempt is what they get by the bucket-load. Ms Ryan is a part of what is rotten in the state of Westminster. So, she gets todays prize for the most stupid, inane, senseless and pathetic justification for this execrable scheme:

Ms Ryan replied that you might as well blame burglary on burglar alarms.

Fer fuck’s sake, could it get any worse? Oh, yes, indeedy…

When she said that ID cards were “crucial for fighting counter-terrorism” we knew that she was, like Slim Pickens in Doctor Strangelove, riding down to the bottom on the bomb.

These buffoons are legislating on our behalf. Be afraid, be very afraid.


  1. Certainly an interesting article with more than a grain of truth behind it. One of the more interesting articles Ive seen in The Guardian of late too.
    You have to wonder why it is that the higher in the power structure of any organisation you go, the more divorced from reality those you encounter seem to be – Its a miracle that anything works at all!

  2. Does Ryan believe what she’s saying? There’s a good chance that she knows nothing at all about any of the technology which underpins what she wibbles on about. Even avoiding the technology it makes no sense. The “procurement timetable”, for example, is already totally out of whack with reality.

    And we know that the people who are supposed to understand it don’t believe it either (see leaked emails passim). Not suprising, anyone with any real knowledge would be raising more red flags on this project than the Soviet navy during the cold war and editing their CV to indicate they’d never been within five parsecs of it.

    Nobody believes the Government cost figures, the reasons they claim for wanting it lack any speck of credibility and the people supposed to be building it don’t think it will work. How much longer is going to lurch on?

  3. [Comment ID #1191 Will Be Quoted Here]

    Indeed – I don’t think the silly bint has a clue either – shes just another in a long line of juniors that have been saddled with it, thought it would look good on her CV and proceeded to believe every word about it told to her by the technology salesmen.

    As to how long it lurches on, its starting to look like one of Romero’s zombie movies – bits keep falling off, but somehow it manages to keep going until it falls over – and its then replaced by another one…. and another one…

  4. I rather liked the “soundings have given us sound advice”. Very Humphery Appleby and more damaging to the whole thing than anything opponents could come up with. :devil:

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