Mac v PC Advertisments

I have a PC. A Dell, as it happens. It does what I ask of it, it doesn’t crash and I haven’t suffered from any virus attacks. I don’t play games with it; it’s a working tool. So, would I buy a Mac next time around? Probably not. I’ve nothing against Macs, but I have had a good experience with the Dell, so would be happy enough to upgrade to another one when time (and funds) permits.

Given that I consider myself fairly neutral, what do I make of the Mitchell and Webb adverts?

Simple answer? It would put me off buying one. It is patronising, smug and intensely irritating in a superior kind of way. And any advertisement that tries to promote a product by denigrating its rivals is a big turn off for me and I vote with my feet.


  1. Agree with you about the ads, but as a long time PC user who converted to a mac 2 years ago, I will never go back. Simply put, it is a much better experience all round. Give it a try and I promise you it won’t be something you regret.

  2. My first computing experience (with a desktop machine as opposed to a mainframe) was the old Apple II using Visicalc to put together an incidence of expenditure for a nuclear fuelling machine. I found it satisfying to work with and, had I been in the market for a machine of my own at about that time, I would probably be a Mac user now. I have nothing against either platform. Until Dell do something that seriously pisses me off, I’m likely to remain with them, just as I have remained loyal to BMW for my motorcycles for exactly the same reason – if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

    However, if I was a potential buyer, these adverts would cause me to think again. Advertising can be powerful and companies need to be aware that it can have a negative effect, too.

  3. I assume that when everyone says “PC”, what they actually mean is “PC running Windows”. Listening to the Media, you’d think that’s all there is. There are alternatives, people! 🙂

  4. Well, that’s true enough. However, I have the same comment to make about the Windows operating system as I have about Dell’s hardware – it does the job and I don’t think any more about it.

  5. What about Linux? Many flavours of this OS are a lot more user-friendly than they used to be, and tons of the software is free (and industry standard).

  6. Stephen Fry is an evangelist for the Mac and literally despises PC’s. I personally don’t know enough bout Mac’s to make an informed decision.

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