Pay Per Play

An email landed in my inbox this morning, touting the latest wheeze in web advertising. Now, the keen eyed among you will have noticed that I have a few text ads from Google in the sidebar. It doesn’t generate much, but it’s better than a poke in the eye and doesn’t intrude overtly on the page.

So, what is the next best thing since sliced bread? Pay per play, apparently…

Publishers (website owners) will earn revenue on 100% of their traffic…no clicks necessary!

Well, that sounds nice. What’s the catch? Cynic? Me? Never.

PPP is a way for advertisers (Like Harley Davidson or Taco Bell) to serve a 5 second audio advertisement to website visitors. It is a way for advertisers to target their 5 second audio ad to specific interests, demographics and geographic locations.


Okay, hands up all those who get pissed off by unannounced audio on web pages?

Thought so… How to piss off your visitors without trying.

NetAudioAds thinks differently:

Traditionally, music and unexpected sales pitches are very annoying but the PPP system is different…

NetAudioAds™ (the patent holder) already has over 550,000 registered members that have been earning income this way for 2 ½ years. Complaints are rare because the ads run for only 5 seconds and are topically related to the content of the website.

No, it is still annoying – people may be surfing in a quiet environment, they may not want people overhearing what they are looking at – and, frankly, they may object to being force fed advertising. One of two things will happen; surfers will leave the site immediately and not come back or, more likely, some bright spark will code a Firefox plug-in to block the code. The reason that this hasn’t happened yet is because the exposure so far has been small and people tend to vote with their feet rather than complain to the the cause of their ire.

Think I’ll pass on this one, thanks. I am simply not prepared to annoy my visitors. Well, those that are not already annoyed by my outspoken and opinionated views.  


  1. Frankly, I’m amazed that they think it won’t annoy people. This has to be the worst wheeze imaginable since the dreaded pop-up. It will piss people off no end. It’s a dreadful idea, absolutely terrible. Whatever possessed them to think it is okay, defeats me. People will hate it and as soon as it kicks off, will find a way to block it.

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