1. I can’t shake the sneaking feeling that she might not be as supportive of anyone burning the US flag.

  2. Enjoy I most certainly did! – She’s a female equivalent of Pat Condell. I’ve downloaded both those clips, as they’re the sort of thing that YouTube is likely to pull…

  3. Whether she is not supportive of someone burning the US flag isn’t an issue. She hadn’t said that someone doing it should be prosecuted or beheaded and I doubt, from what she says, she would.

  4. Hmm. Sarah Palin for President and Barnhardt-Graham for Secretary of State…. Now THAT would be worth seing.

  5. @ Furor
    I don’t think it’s fair to put her in the same boat as Palin. Barnhardt-Graham has a brain and is eloquent. And pailn? [cough]

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