1. Many happy returns!

    And congratulations on the many entertaining, thought-provoking and perceptive posts so far – I’m looking forward to reading many more.

    (My blog is also a late October baby – is it something about the evenings drawing in?)

  2. Happy Birthday Longrider!

    Now then, when are we going to have that drink? Yes I know yours will be Ginger beer and mine the real thing, but we live in the same town ferchrissakes, and there are few enough of us on the ground, a little eyeball to eyeball contact wouldn’t be out of the question would it?

    I’m completely flexible. Pick a time and place to suit yourself, and I’ll be there 😉

    • When that French cheque finally clears and we are solvent again. For the past two years we’ve gone nowhere and done nothing apart from exist as anything more tips us over the edge financially. The house is gone, the cheque has been banked and now we wait for the grindingly slow process of cashing an international cheque…

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