Dealing With Trolls

Some of us have been experiencing a new troll on the block this past week or so. Dioclese, Dick Puddlecote, Lorien Jolley and myself.

As has happened before, we talk to each other and exchange details as appropriate – including the IP address of the offender, whether he is using proxies or not. What is different, however, is the approach to dealing with them. My own is outright belligerence. When dealing with Dickie Doubleday a couple of years back, I refused to be cowed. I’ve recently emailed Dioclese, so I’ll paste that email here as it says pretty much what I want to say about the troll, his MO and his mentality:

Actually, I’m not convinced Bane and Rickie are the same. I am convinced Rickie is the same person who trolled me and a few others a couple of years back until he got his fingers severely burned. There are a number of reasons for my suspicions. Firstly “voice”. We all write with a distinctive voice, using the same syntax and Rickie is identical to Dickie Doubleday along with his obsession about comment moderation and apparent hypocrisy among those of us who complain about loss of liberty. The wording is identical. And his constant insistence that I delete comments that disagree with me. I don’t and have said so often enough. The only way anyone could be sure what comments I delete is me and those people I’ve zapped.

When it comes to freedom of speech he is using Salinsky’s rules for radicals – force your opponent to abide by his own rules. Except he isn’t. Private individuals have no obligation to provide anyone with a platform to mouth off. Trolling is not an exercise in free speech it is an abuse of it. An attempt to force another to their will by holding the charge of hypocrisy over their heads. My approach has been to deal with it head on. Someone threatens me I face them down. DD did this to me on a couple of occasions. One of my commenters made a rude remark about him and he demanded that I delete the comment. Yup, that’s right, our “freedom of speech” expert demanded that I remove a comment. He even gave me a deadline or he would up the ante with the trolling. The comment remained firmly in place.

The next time he threatened me he said that he was going to expose me to the motorcycle training school I work for and the DVSA. My response to this was to write a post exposing the threat and letting him know that they were waiting for his call. He never came back. If their threats don’t work, they have no weapon.

Interestingly, your approach of “bring it on” seems to have had the same outcome.

And finally, DD was using an IP from Virgin Media in Norwich. Bane is using Eirecom in Dublin. Bane is more shouty and has a different voice. It’s possible they are one and the same or are working together as the tactics are much the same. I suspect, not, however. Also, Bane has no stamina. He’s tried it on at yours, mine, Dick Puddlecote’s and Lorien Jollye’s and we have all given him short shrift. The gang of trolls threat hasn’t materialised and is unlikely to. If he really had a gang of trolls they would have hit by now.

Yes, you did read it right, the fearless keyboard warrior, that great champion of free speech demanded that I delete a comment that was uncomplimentary about him – or else. I think that probably says all we need to know about these people, really.



It seems that “Rickie” is getting all upset with me. It’s true, of course, that I have no proof he and DD are one and the same. Speculation is just that, speculation. However, before we fall for his crocodile tears, let us not forget that this is the person who left comments on a number of blogs under the name of “Rickie” outing me – giving my real name and the details of one of my clients. Although this is in the public domain, the intent was to cause harm.


  1. Hi & thanks for this insight. I have not been attacked before now so this is new to me personally but the concept of trolls (genuine ones, not ppl who reasonably disagree) is old hat indeed. For my part, it just doesn’t bother me & my instinct was to leave a sarky little response of my own, which soon reminded me about the old adage of ‘don’t feed the Trolls’. So I deleted my comment but left his which sent him into something of a frenzied meltdown & a series of abusive message that only appeared by email (presumably as my comment was gone).

    I have now set up moderation on the blog, which bothers me for a lot of reasons. I would never censor ppl even if they don’t agree with me, but this is more than not agreeing, it’s some kind of perversion. And I’m not giving that a platform, certainly when it comes to dishing out personal abuse to other message leavers.

    It remains to be seen what happens next cos I’m now clearly on the radar.

    • There’s nothing wrong with having moderation on. With Blogger accounts it’s about the only defence you have. Genuine people will be happy to wait for you to release the comment. Spammers and Trolls simply disappear. As website owners we have no obligation to provide these people with a platform and despite their accusations to the contrary, we are not impeding their freedom of speech. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom to be heard, nor does it mean anyone has to provide a platform.

      Interestingly, Rickie has been commenting over at Dioclese’s place accusing us of inventing Bane and Everhard. Well, indeedy, that’s a new one. Makes me smile.

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