British Blogging

Simon Cooke talks tax and voluntarism. Meanwhile Mark Wadsworth discusses the laffer curve.

Al Jahom has some advice for Grant Shapps.

Sarah on hate speech in Pakistan.

Dick Puddlecote on the detached state.

Paul Marks discusses Thomas Hobbes.

Julia on the kidnapping of Ed Miliband. Unfortunately, not the real one…

Leg Iron on the explosive subject of crackers.

Tony Dolphin on why interest rates shouldn’t go up.

Robert Sharp on Leveson as it should be.

Natalie Solent comments on unqualified teachers.

Chris Snowdon fills us with joy as he lists the efforts of  the charlatans of public health in a 2014 retrospective.

Stumbling and Mumbling on the diversity paradox.

The Boiling Frog ponders the upcoming election.

Tim Worstall asks, did Maggie really try to ban sex toys? (No, she didn’t).

Anna Raccoon muses on etymology and other things.

Frank Davis gives instructions on rolling cancer sticks.

A J Haart proves conclusively that toast is not an aphrodisiac.

As I’m going to be on holiday next week, that’s it for a couple of weeks. Pip pip!


  1. So, as left foot forward says, interest rates ought to stay low what happens to those who need short term high interest loans? Currently running just below 2000%. From a base rate of sod all to a little bit more how will the sharks adjust their usurious rates. Yeah, I know that this is not global finance, just people, just people doing what they need to keep the wolf from the door. At least Carney is capable of surprising us all by introducing a zero rate. Let’s see.

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