I must be as thick as a bucket of mud then. I find work much less tedious when we are busy and there is a huge stack of jobs to get stuck into. Once I am free of the wage treadmill, I spend most of my time swimming, cycling and running.
I can happily spend hours doing nothing much.
Likewise:- although as I have often said to Mrs T., “The biggest problem with doing nothing is how do you know when you’ve finished?”
I must be as thick as a bucket of mud then. I find work much less tedious when we are busy and there is a huge stack of jobs to get stuck into. Once I am free of the wage treadmill, I spend most of my time swimming, cycling and running.
I can happily spend hours doing nothing much.
Likewise:- although as I have often said to Mrs T., “The biggest problem with doing nothing is how do you know when you’ve finished?”