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Well, It Made Me Smile

February 22, 2011 Longrider 5

Watching Colonel Gadaffi ranting on the television today, the voiceover said that he is not relaxing his grip on power. Unlike, of course, his grip […]

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Anonymous Again

February 21, 2011 Longrider 7

Anonymous is now planning to target Fred Phelps. Hacker group Anonymous appears to have singled out its next target – the controvesial anti-gay Westboro Baptist […]

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Breaking up Network Rail

February 21, 2011 Longrider 3

Network Rail is to devolve its operations over nine regional units. David Higgins, who took over as chief executive just three weeks ago, will devolve […]

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Do I see Meme Here?

February 20, 2011 Longrider 7

JuliaM comments on the socially awkward and how they experience school –  along with the pathetic assumption that there is something wrong with them. A notion […]

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Census Boycott

February 20, 2011 Longrider 10

It seems that there is a growing backlash against the 2011 census –  with a loose collection of disparate groups and individuals forming a broad coalition. […]

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Bidisha Does Funny

February 19, 2011 Longrider 6

At least, I think she is being facetious. I certainly hope she is. Otherwise, innocent until proved guilty is a meaningless phrase for her. Talking […]