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No, It Doesn’t

February 18, 2011 Longrider 25

An Australian town has jumped the shark onto the speed kills bandwagon. A small town in the Australian Outback has decided to change its name […]

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Meh +1

February 18, 2011 Longrider 3

The Grim Reaper opines on AV. it is now being discussed in the mainstream with greater emphasis as the vote draws near. There was a […]

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The Case For The Defence

February 18, 2011 Longrider 4

It seems that the NSPCC has a champion. It makes no difference though, they are manipulating language and statistics to justify their theft of taxpayers’ […]

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The WHO on Alcohol

February 17, 2011 Longrider 10

The World Health Organisation tells us that we are a nation of alcoholics. Figures published by the World Health Organisation disclose that the average Briton […]

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Would You?

February 17, 2011 Longrider 9

The Groan asks would you relocate for your job? The BBC’s plans to move more of its staff and programmes out of London have hit […]

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PayPal and Oxfam

February 17, 2011 Longrider 4

I received an email from PayPal this morning regarding a campaign they are running for Oxfam. Time is running out for you to give 100% […]