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Now This is Worrying

November 16, 2010 Longrider 9

The police managed to get Fitwatch closed down. Scotland Yard has forced the closure of an anti-police blog which was being used to disseminate advice […]

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I Heard That… Pardon?

November 16, 2010 Longrider 2

Apparently second hand smoke affects your hearing. Eh, what? And I thought it was just a sign of getting older. Doctors already know that people […]

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A Chandlers’ Ransom

November 15, 2010 Longrider 13

Andrew Brown is the latest columnist to express some dubious morality – it does appear to be catching. Janet Daley suggesting that torture is okay, […]

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Quote of the Day

November 15, 2010 Longrider 3

From Leg Iron on organ donation. ‘Healthy donor’ is an oxymoron because to be a donor, you have to be dead and that situation cannot […]

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Torture and Logic Failure

November 14, 2010 Longrider 12

Janet Daley makes some odd assertions regarding torture today in the wake of Cameron’s response to the Bush memoirs on waterboarding. Cameron made two points; […]

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No More Peel

November 13, 2010 Longrider 3

The Police want more powers. No, it ain’t news, they always do. This time it’s that old bug-bear, drink and drugs. Chief constables have asked […]

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Cat Lapping

November 12, 2010 Longrider 6

This scientist clearly hasn’t enough to do, he has studied how cats drink. He also notes that they do it differently to dogs. They found […]