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A Brace of Watermelons

February 17, 2010 Longrider 7

Despite the AGW scaremongering consensus falling apart quicker than a sand castle at high tide, the watermelons continue to preach their religion with unabated piety. […]

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RSPCA – Greedy Bastards

February 15, 2010 Longrider 9

Following on from the Dr Gill case a while back, JuliaM draws my attention to the RSPCA’s latest little gimmick – attempted theft from the beneficiaries of […]

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I’m Appalled

February 11, 2010 Longrider 4

Appalled is the only rational response to this from Dick Puddlecote. Last week, the boy Puddlecote’s school e-mailed their regular newsletter. At the end of […]

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Foodies Fight Back

February 10, 2010 Longrider 5

Following my recent comments on salt, I’ve been contacted by folk in the USA who have been facing the same assault on salt. Dear Longrider, […]

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Is That All?

February 8, 2010 Longrider 4

I had another bit of blogspam arrive in my email box today. This time from Jan Jallores representing a social networking website for receptionists. Now, […]