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Eurostar Failures

December 19, 2009 Longrider 17

Following the Eurostar train failures today, the BBC was interviewing (if you can call haranguing someone while they try to answer your questions interviewing) Richard Brown, CEO […]

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More Puritan Nonsense

December 18, 2009 Longrider 1

Once more, medics think that telling us what to do is more important than healing sick people. This time, that totalitarian, puritan, media whore, Liam […]

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No. It. Is. Not.

December 16, 2009 Longrider 4

The ultimate goal of government should be promoting wellbeing. Catherine Bennett is unconvinced that “it is the state’s business to meet those psychological needs” that […]

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Carter Fuck Again

December 16, 2009 Longrider 0

CF has the full story – it seems Carter Ruck really don’t learn. Tags: carter+ruck, authoritarian+arseholes

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Self Defence?

December 15, 2009 Longrider 42

I’ve noticed this story mentioned in the past couple of days – with the usual recriminations against the forces of law and order. Jail for […]

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Brief Absence

December 11, 2009 Longrider 4

My sojourn in the UK is about to end. Today, I start to wend my way homewards. I’ll be offline for a few days. See […]

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Prize Chumps

December 8, 2009 Longrider 7

According to David Aaranovitch, believe it or not, Big Brother is your friend. There is a constant fume about the Big Brother State, enveloping everything […]

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National Service Again

December 6, 2009 Longrider 18

Via Timmy I see that Demos has jumped on the enforced servitude idea so beloved of control freaks everywhere. Demos today launches a report arguing that […]