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December 5, 2009 Longrider 6

Simon Davies rails against automated marketing calls. Like millions of people across Britain, I now refuse to answer my home landline number, and with good […]

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On Speaking French

December 3, 2009 Longrider 2

A fellow expat states the obvious. British expats in France should at least speak half-decent French if they want to be happy Well, yes, that is […]

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Good Grief!

December 3, 2009 Longrider 3

More “let’s all go veggie” bollockery. Reducing consumption of a protein found in fish and meat could slow the ageing process and increase life expectancy, […]

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The Demos and Minarets

December 1, 2009 Longrider 25

Others have covered the minarets in Switzerland story – and pretty much come to the same conclusion; jolly good for the Swiss. I, however, tend […]

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ID Cards In Manchester

November 30, 2009 Longrider 5

Dave Page is opting out of the spiffing new Manchester ID cards opportunity. Wonder why? I don’t need to carry about vast quantities of paperwork […]

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Internet Woes

November 27, 2009 Longrider 6

One of the very few frustrations about living in rural France is Internet Access. We are too far from the exchange to get ADSL. Therefore […]

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Quelle Surprise

November 27, 2009 Longrider 2

Via the Englishman I see that the Swindon experiment is going well. FOUR months on from the scrapping of speed cameras in Swindon no increase in […]