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June 15, 2014 Longrider 5

Via Dioclese, this risible nonsense. The Church of England has released Prayers for the World Cup, including prayers for the England Team ahead of England’s […]

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Atheist Babies

June 13, 2014 Longrider 2

Andrew Brown wibbles over at CiF about Dawkins’ assertion that babies are atheist – that is, atheism is the default and that religious belief is […]

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I Agree With Nick

April 24, 2014 Longrider 13

I suppose once in a while it’s bound to happen. This time – church and state. The Church and State should be separated , Nick […]

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God’s Work

April 10, 2014 Longrider 8

David Cameron is now claiming divine inspiration for his Big Society bollocks. David Cameron has claimed divine inspiration was at work when it came to […]

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A Christian Nation

April 7, 2014 Longrider 6

Giles Fraser sides with the militant atheists in the face of Eric Pickles’ somewhat crass comments about militant atheism and this being a Christian country. […]

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Wrong Response

February 27, 2014 Longrider 8

Following the Muslim furore over Katy Perry’s video, it seems that the usual has happened – the video has been edited. So, once again, when […]

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Oh, Get Over Yourselves

February 26, 2014 Longrider 7

The religion of perpetual offence taking is taking offence again. This time over a music video. In the latest ‘racist music video’ accusation, Katy Perry’s “Dark […]

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God Did It

January 18, 2014 Longrider 9

You can always rely on the religious fruitloops to provide some light relief. A UK Independence Party (Ukip) councillor has become the latest member to […]