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Oh, Dear, Oh, Dear…

July 5, 2008 12

Still on a religious theme, it seems that Christian Voice is facing financial hardship (or, to be precise, Stephen Green) following its vindictive campaign against […]

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Not Sure About This One

July 5, 2008 2

An article in the Telegraph relates to two boys disciplined for not kneeling down to Allah: It was claimed that the boys, from a year […]

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Religious Fruitcakes

June 2, 2008 6

During my discussion about Tony Blair and his evangelism, I expressed a degree of tolerance towards religious belief – providing that it is a strictly private […]

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Talking of Faith

May 30, 2008 12

Another religious crackpot thinks he can save the world. Former prime minister Tony Blair has promised to “spend the rest of my life” uniting the […]

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Moral Vacuum?

May 28, 2008 0

The bishop of Rochester bemoans the moral vacuum caused by the decline in Christianity. The decline of Christian values is destroying Britishness and has created […]

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Common Sense at the CPS

May 23, 2008 4

The CPS has decided not to proceed against a 16 year old boy who carried a placard citing Scientology as a dangerous cult: A teenager […]

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BBC and the Passion of Christ

March 11, 2008 6

There’s a dramatisation from the beeb over Easter – a reworking of the passion of Christ. It’s upset some Christians. The BBC is to screen […]

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Seven Deadly Sins

March 10, 2008 5

The Pope can always be relied upon to raise a smile. He is bringing the seven deadly sins up to date. Drug pushers, the obscenely […]

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Williams Responds

February 11, 2008 5

The Archbishop has responded to criticism of his remarks over Shari’a law in this country. The embattled Archbishop of Canterbury began a strong but brief […]

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February 8, 2008 0

Rowan Williams is shocked, apparently, by the response to his comments yesterday: The Archbishop of Canterbury is said to be overwhelmed by the “hostility of […]