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Moonbat on Second Homes

July 29, 2006 4

George Monbiot was pontificating his politics of envy and spite on Jeremy Vine’s radio programme yesterday. The target of his bile being second home owners. […]

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Be Careful What You Write

July 27, 2006 0

My previous entry today seemed to me to be pretty innocuous. Until, that is, Akismet alerted me to a trackback. A trackback that led to […]

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The Guardian on Men’s Feet

July 27, 2006 1

With all this summer weather (long may it continue), there is a storm brewing about the state of men’s feet. British men have traditionally failed […]

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Search Engine Key Phrases

July 25, 2006 0

Sometimes people come here for the oddest of reasons. Here are a selection of key phrases people have put into search engines that brought them […]

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Blogshares – A Year On

July 25, 2006 0

I noticed that this blog had found its way onto Blogshares. A year or so ago, I’d asked for my old blog to be delisted […]

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Well, What Did They Expect?

July 24, 2006 0

The A4 running through Saltford is the major route between Bristol and Bath. There is a better; more scenic route, via Kelston, but for most […]

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We’re Watching You…

July 22, 2006 7

Daniel Pearl of Newsnight poses the question on his blog; do you realise that we are reading you? Also, we know what you are saying […]

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At Your Convenience

July 21, 2006 5

Master Worstall appears to have grabbed the wrong end of this particular stick and as a consequence, wades into Phil Woolas, the local government minister over […]