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An Ugly Word

May 9, 2006 1

Shareholders in GlaxoSmithKline have been receiving anonymous mailings regarding their shares in the company: Police are investigating threatening letters posted to scores of small shareholders […]

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On Not Being Too Serious

May 8, 2006 2

Nosemonkey points us in the direction of a quickie political affiliation quiz by Larry Teabag. Having had a look at the 15 questions, I made the […]

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Britblog 64

May 7, 2006 0

Britblog 64 is up – come back Lennon and McCartney, all is forgiven… :devil:

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Comment is Free

May 7, 2006 0

Nick Cohen comments on a range of subjects in Comment is Free; the BNP’s election success and the subsequent lousy performance in the council chamber, Titanic […]

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Margaret Hodge and the BNP

May 6, 2006 7

In the wake of the odious BNP’s election success this week, the knives are out for Margaret Hodge. Margaret Hodge, the Employment Minister, is facing […]

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Bye Bye

May 5, 2006 1

Bye, bye safety elephant. We’ll miss ya.     NOT!

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Dress Codes and Employment

May 5, 2006 1

Via the Men’s Long hair Hyperboard, this story: A Nottingham man who was turned down for a job because he refused to cut his pony […]

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Bloody Football

May 4, 2006 5

With the approach of summer; a brief few weeks when football is not played and there is a hiatus in the constant stream of meaningless […]