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A Pin to See The Peepshow

April 24, 2006 1

I’ve been meaning to comment on the latest utterings by the egregious Blair and Clarke. I have, however, been tardy as a result of being […]

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April 19, 2006 3

As I write this, I am emerging from a “migraine lite”. A Migraine lite is the same as a migraine, but it fools you into […]

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Brian Walden on Spirituality

April 17, 2006 9

Brain Walden writes on the BBC web page on spirituality. It’s an interesting and thought-provoking piece. Several years back a journalist called David Margolis interviewed […]

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The French Smoking Ban – Non!

April 16, 2006 3

The French government has caved in again. This time, the cause of their discomfiture was the climbdown over their proposed smoking ban. The tobacco-loving French […]

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Crucifixion? No Thanks

April 16, 2006 1

The Easter celebrations in the Philippines have a somewhat gruesome aspect to them. They involve young men re-enacting the crucifixion. For authenticity, this involve real […]

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RFID at Alton Towers

April 15, 2006 0

Alton Towers is using RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tags to track its visitors according to the Financial Times: Visitors will be given an RFID-enabled wristband on […]

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Karl Bushby’s Woes Again

April 15, 2006 0

The Times has more on Mr Bushby’s woes. They were detained by the Federal Security Service, the KGB’s successor, on April 1, shortly after reaching […]

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The Divine Right of Kings

April 13, 2006 0

We fought a civil war (actually a series of small civil wars) between 1639 and 1651 that culminated in the execution of the monarch and […]