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The Da Vinci Case, Part Two

April 12, 2006 0

In the wake of the recent Da Vinci Case verdict, it seems to be open season for arrant stupidity. A Russian art historian has accused The Da […]

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Snitch Britain

April 12, 2006 2

Further to yesterday’s post on the water shortage informers, the Grauniad picks up the story: Hidden beneath the tranquil surface of the south-east’s pony paddocks and […]

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Hosepipe Users Reported

April 11, 2006 1

In the south east of England, hosepipe bans have been introduced to cope with the unfortunate water shortages caused by the incompetence and irresponsible lack […]

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Firms to pay for ID Checks

April 10, 2006 0

According to IT Week, companies signing up to use the Stasi Database will have to cough up for the privilege. Duh, well, who’da thought it?! […]

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More on the Finestein Case

April 10, 2006 6

Via Chris over at Strange Stuff a response by Hannah Pool on the case I discussed last week. Chris dissects Hannah’s prejudices nicely. However I […]

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Pessimistic Outlook

April 9, 2006 2

Over at The England Project, a somewhat pessimistic variation on the seven ages of man. It’s a short piece but do pop over and have a […]

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Speed Camera Evasion

April 9, 2006 0

According to this interesting article in the Observer today, thousands of motorists are cheating the plethora of speed cameras that, ostensibly in the name of […]

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The Child-Free Village

April 8, 2006 1

This story in the Grauniad by Julie Bindel follows the same theme as the one I heard being discussed on Jeremy Vine’s show this week. […]

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Da Vinci Verdict

April 7, 2006 3

The judge presiding over the silly copyright case involving Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code has delivered a verdict: A high court judge today rejected claims […]