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Blog Problems

March 22, 2006 1

I’ve been having some problems today. What started as a minor issue with wBloggar, turned into a major headache. To cut a long story short, […]

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Rowan Williams and an Outbreak of Common Sense

March 21, 2006 4

Rowan Williams has set himself apart from the religious fundamentalists with his comments on the teaching of creationism in schools .
“I think creationism is … a kind of category mistake, as if the…

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The Vexed Transport Problem

March 20, 2006 5

Neil Harding is discussing Boris Johnson’s comments on cycling. Some of the comments make interesting reading. This, in particular from STAG: Cars are a blight. […]

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The Observer Gets It

March 19, 2006 1

Slowly, but surely, the anti ID cards message is seeping into the public consciousness. Slowly, but surely, like an awakening dragon from ancient mythology, the […]

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Free Speech and Scientology

March 18, 2006 5

Isaac Hayes dropped out of South Park earlier this week because it satirised Scientology. Given that the show takes great delight in causing maximum offence […]

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Oliver Kamm on Blogging

March 17, 2006 3

Oliver Kamm is somewhat contemptuous on the subject of blogging in today’s Times. Most blogs have nothing to say even then. Without editorial control, they […]

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Television Drama and Authenticity

March 16, 2006 6

I caught up with the latest Dalziel and Pascoe drama yesterday (originally screened Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th March). While watching television drama usually requires […]