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ID Cards Bounce Back

March 14, 2006 4

The scoundrels in the commons have once more rejected the peers’ amendments to the ID Cards Bill. Peers have twice defeated the plans, which they […]

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Peerages “Not For Sale”

March 13, 2006 4

Speaking on the Radio 4 Today programme, Jack Straw said that peerages are not for sale under the Labour government: “You can’t buy a peerage. […]

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Wealth Tax

March 13, 2006 4

Ten years ago, Mrs Longrider and I set about improving our home. Over the next few years we spent several thousand pounds and an awful […]

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Lies, Liars and Boors

March 12, 2006 2

There was a time, not so long ago, when the political elite was looked up to. They were our betters, the ruling elite. That changed […]

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Burqua Ban

March 11, 2006 2

The Dutch parliament is planning to ban the burqua. Last December, parliament voted to forbid women from wearing the burqa or any Muslim face coverings […]

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The Curse of Satellite Navigation

March 11, 2006 6

Drivers who invest in satellite navigations systems are rapidly waking up to one of its flaws according to the Times today. In-car satellite navigation systems […]

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Hats Off

March 10, 2006 5

One of the problems with creeping compulsion and surveillance is that sooner or later, it filters down to the jobsworths. Those people at the bottom […]

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Voltaire Under Fire

March 10, 2006 0

I’ve always had a bit of a soft spot for Voltaire. Well, he abhorred organised religion and he was French – that’s two counts in […]

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2011 Census

March 9, 2006 2

According to the Telegraph, the 2011 census will include even more intrusive questions than the one we did in 2001: Everyone could be required, for […]