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Perfect Timing – or What?

November 11, 2005 1

Oscar Wildebeest picks up rather neatly on the blatant hypocrisy in the media. The story he comments on is this: Two Britons and an Australian, […]

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False Identities

November 10, 2005 0

Christopher Edward Buckingham is starting a jail sentence for obtaining a passport using a false identity. Actually, he isn’t Christopher Edward Buckingham at all. We […]

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A Sensitive Subject

November 10, 2005 3

It seems that I have inadvertently stirred up a hornet’s nest… A throwaway comment spread to a blog entry by Libertine on the subject of […]

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November 7, 2005 1

I was browsing over at Samizdata when I came across this article on introversion by Jonathan Rauch. “Do you know someone who needs hours alone […]

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Caveat Emptor

November 5, 2005 9

I ordered a camcorder from a company called MyDv a couple of weeks ago. They promise fast, free delivery. Indeed, their website offers this promise: […]

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Evil or Just Amoral?

November 3, 2005 2

I notice that the Devil’s Kitchen is becoming increasingly despairing of Neil Harding’s evermore illogical defence of the ID Cards Bill. Like DK, I have […]

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90 Days… or not.

November 3, 2005 2

This afternoon, government is debating the anti-terror legislation that will empower the police to detain a terrorist suspect for 90 days without charge. That is, […]

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Stick at NO2ID

November 3, 2005 3

Those of you who have looked at my Tag Board may be wondering what Nigel Sedgwick is on about regarding me getting stick over at […]

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The Fall of Blunkett

November 2, 2005 1

When David Blunkett fell from grace last year, I (along with others opposed to his illiberal agenda) was pleased at the result. It wasn’t pretty […]