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November 1, 2005 3

During the early days of the Blair government, I looked forward to reformation of the Lords. The whole concept of an unelected chamber is contrary […]

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Freedom of Speech

October 29, 2005 3

Earlier this week, I complained about the girl who was arrested for an “offensive” T-shirt – even though wearing offensive clothing is not illegal. There […]

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That Time of the Year

October 29, 2005 4

Well, it’s underway. The countdown to…. Christmas. Ack! As a practising non-Christian, I don’t do Christmas. As someone who is utterly appalled by the blatant […]

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Temping; The Finale

October 28, 2005 0

Well, I finally had enough of the temporary work today. Strictly speaking, I’d had enough a long time ago, but decided to hang on in […]

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ID Cards – The Debate Rages On

October 27, 2005 0

There’s an interesting little spat going on between The Devil’s Kitchen and Neu Labour apologist, Neil Harding on the matter of identity cards. While the […]

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October 26, 2005 3

Libertine has been discussing the Christians’ somewhat ambiguous relationship with the festival of hallowe’en. Indeed, their reaction to this festival is bordering on the schizophrenic. […]

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Curse of the Little Hitlers

October 25, 2005 1

This story has been doing the rounds over the past couple of days. It is worthy of comment because in the great ID cards debate, […]

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Referrer SPAM – Again

October 24, 2005 1

After a weekend of bombardment, the SPAM appears to have stopped. I have removed the referrer portal from the sidebar, so anyone expecting to increase […]

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One Year

October 23, 2005 3

Today this blog is one year old. Some stats: 39,010 hits 353 entries 431 comments A year ago, I wasn’t sure what I was going […]

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Identity and Fraud

October 22, 2005 2

There’s a rather disturbing article in the Guardian today. A retired teacher put £250,000 into her bank account following the sale of her house. Sometime […]