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Referrer SPAM

October 21, 2005 2

Anyone else getting a spate of referrer SPAM today? I’ve just had to clear masses of it out. I’ll probably switch off the referrer portal […]

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Autumn Colour

October 20, 2005 2

Much as I dislike this time of the year; the interminable forced jollity of the countdown to Christmas, the fireworks going off incessantly for weeks […]

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Allah and Plate Tectonics

October 16, 2005 3

It had to happen, I suppose. Following a natural disaster such as the one last week in Pakistan, someone comes up with the punishment from […]

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The Temporary Worker

October 15, 2005 0

I’ve talked about temporary working before. It has been drawn to my attention again by reports of the trades unions likening temps’ working conditions to […]

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Cheap Identity Cards?

October 9, 2005 0

There’s a row brewing between the treasury and the home office over plans to sneak in introduce cheap identity cards for the less well off. […]

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More on the Rail Industry

October 9, 2005 1

A comment on the Hatfield entry set my thoughts in motion. Rather than go on at length on the comments section (although I did already), […]

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So You Think ID Cards Are Safe?

October 8, 2005 0

One of the arguments raging about Identity Cards is the matter of security. The government would like us to believe that its proposed identity register […]

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Hatfield Fines

October 7, 2005 1

So finally, after five years, Hatfield can be put to bed. Today the high court fined Network Rail £3.5m and Balfour Beatty £10m. These are […]