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Getting A Little Cross

October 5, 2005 6

Further to my comments yesterday about appeasing Muslim sensibilities, prison officers have been told they must not wear tie pins displaying the flag of St […]

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This Little Piggy

October 4, 2005 2

Mark Steyn has picked up on some of the politically correct lunacy that is occurring in the Midlands. “Alas, the United Kingdom’s descent into dhimmitude […]

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Suspected Terrorists, All

October 3, 2005 1

Further to my comments about Neu Labour’s use and abuse of the anti terrorism legislation to stifle dissent, the Scotsman carries a rather disturbing statistic […]

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October 1, 2005 1

I keep hearing a good deal about respect lately. If it isn’t our esteemed leader pontificating about his respect agenda, well, blow me, there it […]

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Land of the Free?

September 26, 2005 2

While America has traditionally trumpeted its claim to be the land of the free; Britain has generally regarded itself as the cradle of that particular […]

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Government Comes to Bristol

September 25, 2005 0

Unfortunately I managed to miss the “charm offensive” roadshow that came to Bristol last week. However, NO2ID managed a small presence and Dave Gould, a […]

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Britain in the 21st Century

September 23, 2005 1

I guess this story has been doing the rounds since it was published in the Guardian yesterday. The upshot is that David Mery was detained […]

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Biometrics Roadshows

September 21, 2005 2

According to the BBC, the Government’s biometrics roadshows have been wowing shoppers. I guess these shoppers are easily wowed. Well it does seem that way […]

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I Spoke Too Soon

September 18, 2005 0

Following a roadshow by Home Office Ministers in Edinburgh, Grant Stott of the Scotsman comments on the surveillance society and he doesn’t have a problem […]