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Latest Kitten Pictures

July 11, 2005 0

I’ve put the latest kitten pictures up at felix-domesticus for those of you who are interested. —–

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Those Rising Hits…

July 10, 2005 2

Big John commented recently about the rise in hits on his blog. As did I and Libertine. The puzzling thing here is that I am […]

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London Resilience

July 8, 2005 3

During the closing months of my employment with Network Rail, I was involved with the development of the company’s incident management training. I was introduced […]

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The Oxygen of Publicity

July 8, 2005 2

Something Kaz mentioned regarding the bombings in London yesterday was the media frenzy that ensued. When I switched on the television, normal programming had been […]

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London 2012 – Oh, No.

July 6, 2005 0

I’m going to be controversial and state that I am not one of those who supported London’s bid to host the junket that is the […]

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That Comment

July 4, 2005 0

Last week the Prime Minister made another of his fatuous soundbite comments. On the matter of identity cards, he said they were: “…an idea whose […]

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A Glimmer of Hope

July 4, 2005 0

Today the Telegraph publishes the results of the YouGov poll it commissioned. In comparison with a similar one published two years ago, public support for […]

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Yesterday’s Vote

July 3, 2005 1

Well, the vote went pretty much as I expected. I had vaguely hoped that it would be closer, but I wasn’t disappointed at 20 Labour […]

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Writing to One’s MP

July 3, 2005 0

One of the cornerstones of the democratic process is supposed to be that we can lobby our representatives. That’s the theory, anyway. My opposition to […]