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The New Stasi?

June 25, 2005 5

Every so often something is presented in the news that seems at first glance to be perfectly reasonable. One such is the government’s announcement regarding […]

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Pity the Poor Potato

June 22, 2005 2

I was going to mention this story as an amusing footnote to my discussion about politically correct language. However, I forgot, so here it is […]

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Latest Kitten Pictures

June 22, 2005 2

The two kittens are approaching 4 weeks old. They are now starting to move about, much to the consternation of Ahmose who chases them about […]

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George Orwell and Plain English

June 21, 2005 3

Patrick Crozier’s blog entry today reminded me of a lesson I first learned thirty years ago. I was studying English literature for my A levels. […]

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People and Animals

June 21, 2005 4

Yesterday morning my sister emailed me to tell me that one of my mother’s cats, Peter, had been run over on the road. This cat […]

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Dr Who

June 20, 2005 1

Dr Who reached its finale last Saturday. A 13 week series that took the Dr Who character into the 21st Century was one I (like […]

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Rowan Williams and the Media

June 18, 2005 7

Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury, has been wading into the media. In a speech given yesterday at Lambeth Palace he attacks the modern media; […]

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On Blogging and Comments

June 18, 2005 3

I’ve been blogging for a relatively short period of time. It’s been an interesting experience – not least because it provides an outlet for the […]

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Identity Cards, Why Not?

June 17, 2005 1

The commenter who asked why the British people have a problem with identity cards is like many who ask the question; missing the point. We […]