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Kittens at 3 Weeks

June 16, 2005 1

It will be three weeks tomorrow that Ahmose gave birth. The little darlings are now starting to move about and both have their eyes wide […]

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Just A Quickie…

June 11, 2005 2

For the dumb fucktard trackback spammers… Can’t you read? I’ll repeat it for you as intelligence clearly isn’t one of your traits: The trackbacks on […]

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Religious Hatred Bill (UK)

June 10, 2005 1

Once again the religious hatred bill has reared its ugly head. Should it become law this bill will make it an offence to use words […]

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Kittens at 2 Weeks

June 10, 2005 2

Arsinoe and Ramose at two weeks. Their eyes are now open and they can lift their heads. Won’t be long before they are into everything.

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Trackback SPAM

June 9, 2005 0

Trackback and comment SPAM has been the scourge of many bloggers that I visit. I’ve seen a variety of methods for dealing with this flotsam. […]

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June 8, 2005 1

Cacti are another of my interests. Every spring the greenhouse comes alive with magnificent brightly coloured blooms. Here is a small selection of them.

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Pay as You Drive

June 8, 2005 0

I’ve spent the last couple of days mulling over the government’s latest announcement of a pay as you drive scheme certainly there has been plenty […]

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Photo Album

June 8, 2005 2

Some of my recent pictures. Photography has been a lifelong passion. Someday I’ll get around to scanning in some of my older pictures. As you […]