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Bagel Virus

October 31, 2004 0

The Bagel Virus is doing the rounds again according to the BBC. Usual indications are an email containing the subject line: Re; Re: Hello Re: […]

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Cats Suffer Stress

October 31, 2004 0

According to a recent study reported by the BBC, cats suffer stress. Common causes are rivalry with other cats and additions to the family. Uh, […]

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October 31, 2004 0

Last night the clocks went back to GMT. This is for me a depressing time of the year. The leaves have mostly fallen from the […]

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Trick or Treat

October 30, 2004 0

The people over at RiderSite are having a go at the old trick or treat custom. It’s the usual complaint of course; one that Brits […]

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A Third Term?

October 29, 2004 0

According to a UGOV Poll for the Daily Telegraph, UK voters are prepared to give Tony Blair and New Labour the benefit of the doubt […]

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Debt wiped out.

October 29, 2004 0

Yesterday, the High Court wiped out Tony and Michelle Meadows’ debt. And a good thing too. The idea that having paid five times the original […]

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Kilroy-Silk Resigns UKIP Whip

October 28, 2004 0

So, Robert Kilroy-Silk has resolved his row with UKIP and resigned the whip to become an independent. As I commented on Sunday, that didn’t take […]