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Fuck Off!

July 11, 2024 Longrider 7

Then fuck off again and keep fucking off until we can no longer hear your whining. I still wear a mask and it helps me […]

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Good Lord

March 26, 2024 Longrider 5

They couldn’t even give me a jibby jabby, let alone sell me one. Brits will be able to buy Covid jabs privately from Boots as […]

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Good Lord

March 7, 2024 Longrider 1

I smell a scam. A 62-year-old man from Germany has, against medical advice, been vaccinated 217 times against Covid, doctors report. The bizarre case is […]

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February 21, 2024 Longrider 22

Or propaganda? You choose. Tonight’s Breathtaking episode depicts a doctor slamming the Government for not locking down earlier, in one of its most political scenes […]

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Up Yours!

January 9, 2024 Longrider 10

No. Fuck off. It’s that time again. No, I don’t mean New Year and resolutions: I mean mask time. I can hear the universal groan. […]

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Oooh, Oooh, Will It?

January 8, 2024 Longrider 4

Spark a new wave? A troublesome new Covid variant sweeping Britain could send cases to an all-time high, experts fear. As many as one in […]

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Be Afraid

December 24, 2023 Longrider 10

Very afraid. A sub-variant of the Omicron strain of coronavirus has been classified as a “variant of interest” by the World Health Organization, because of […]

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Ship of Fools

December 12, 2023 Longrider 9

They live among us. They vote. One in five Britons would support the reintroduction of a Covid lockdown right now – even though the worst of the […]

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Fuck Off!

November 30, 2023 Longrider 4

They just can’t help themselves. China’s pneumonia outbreak has prompted a health expert to warn about the impending outbreak on Europe. The mystery respiratory illness […]

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We Told You So

November 29, 2023 Longrider 11

Three years ago when people were wearing magic charms face nappies, those of us who pointed out the insanity were accused of spreading misinformation or […]