licence fee

Out of Touch, Much
Not Nadine Dorries, Hugh Grant. Hugh Grant has hit out at the government over plans to scrap the licence fee that funds the BBC by 2027. On Sunday (16 January), […]

Auntie and Self Awareness
Perhaps, more accurately a staggering lack of self-awareness. The BBC has suggested wealthier viewers could be asked to pay more as the broadcaster prepares to end free licences […]

It’s a Start
Taking on the BBC. Boris Johnson is considering a move to decriminalise non-payment of the BBClicence fee in a move likely to further worsen relations between Number […]

She’s Right
Jan Leeming and the bombardment of sport. Miss Leeming claimed the public are not ‘addicted to sport’ and would prefer licence fee money to go […]

Thieving Gits
The BBC. Executives at the broadcaster have suggested that reforms, which are due to be agreed with ministers in 2016, could include a new “universal […]