US Presidential Election

As the two candidates enter the final furlong and seek to influence the swing states, I’m in something of a quandry….

On the one hand, George Dubya has proved himself the dangerous, incompetent buffoon I always thought he was. He certainly didn’t disappoint . Yet, a Kerry victory may well be seen by Al Queda as a victory for their tactics – in the same way as the socialist victory did in Spain following the Madrid bombing.

It’s a dead heat according to the polls – will the electorate prove them hopelessly wrong? And what happens if it is a dead heat? Will there be the awful legal wrangling and shenanegins of the last time around? Steal an election? Surely not…


  1. I don’t know about everyone else, but I’m voting for Kerry based on what he’s planning on doing for the US. Not on what al-qaeda thinks or doesn’t think.

    Bush is the worst president ever, on all counts.Visit me @

  2. If I were a US citizen, I’d do likewise – the economy and domestic policy are important issues that Bush seems to have neglected in his illegal war. However, the thought that Bin Laden and co might be deriving comfort from the results would stick in my craw….

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