Virgin Mary Toast

Sometimes, you come across a story that makes you take a couple of steps back in amazement. This is one of them. A piece of toast has sold on eBay for $28,000. Yes, $28,000! For a piece of toasted sandwich for crying out loud. Apparently it shows a face that is supposed to be the Virgin Mary. How that was decided heaven only knows (sic) as all I can see is a brown smudge, that may or may not vaguely resemble a face of some sort. I never met the Virgin Mary, so I couldn’t say whether this is a likeness or not.

The sale has prompted more spurious items on the eBay auctions – including a Virgin Mary toaster that "may or may not reproduce the Virgin Mary image."

I guess the only thing I can say about it is that it confirms my faith in the utter stupidity and gullibility of which mankind is capable. There’s a comfort factor in that…

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