Blair Presses Ahead With ID Cards

Today at 15:30, Big Blunkett will unveil the ID Cards Bill – not that there’s much unveiling to be done, as it’s pretty much in the public domain. Well, it is if you’re reasonably news savvy. Anyway, Tony Blair told his monthly media conference that:

“ID cards would help secure the UK’s borders, tackle crime and ensure public services were not abused.”

Oh, yeah, right. This feeble, dishonest argument has been thoroughly discredited, yet still they keep trotting it out. I guess the Big Lie tactic is still in favour – keep saying the same thing loud enough and often enough and people will believe it no matter how untrue it is.

ID cards will not have any effect on terrorism, organised crime (apart from increasing it) or benefit fraud because identity is not the issue – intent is.

The Lib Dems at least are vowing to do the right thing and try to block it. The Tories are more ambivalent – but then, in 1995, their glorious leader was Home Secretary and guess what? He had a bright idea; let’s have compulsory ID cards. Sheesh!

Getting back to the main story….Here’s the real clincher:

“A national database would be created holding personal information such as names, addresses, and biometric information for all those who are issued with a card.

Biometrics include fingerprints, facial scans and iris scans, all of which are unique to each individual. “

Be afraid, very afraid. Contrary to Mr Blair’s assertion that this is not Big Brother government, Big Brother Government is exactly what we will get if this goes ahead.

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