Signs and Portents

According to the Guardian the signs and portents predict a hard, cold winter much like the one of 1963. I am just about old enough to remember that winter. The slushy iced up snow seemed to hang about for months and everything was so cold. Central heating for us ordinary (poor) folk was the stuff of dreams. We put our heating on overnight this week when we had a hard frost. In 1963, we had to put up with ice on the inside of the windows while we put an extra blanket on the bed.

So, here we are, despite warnings of global warming, facing a bitter cold winter. At least, if you believe that the arrival of waxwings and the wealth of berries on the rowan trees signifies such an event. On the other hand, if you believe the Met office, it’s going to be average or warmer than average. Take your pick.

I, on the other hand will be longing for the first signs of spring, whatever the outcome.


  1. My mood takes a nosedive in the winter so I too will welcome in the first few buds of spring. I was watching Grumpy Old Men the other day on DVD and Jeremy Clarkson said he couldn’t ever remember there being a White Xmas and that he would like to experience once before he died, I feel the same. I loathe the aftermath of snow which is black ice and slush and the messy, untidy look that comes with it but I would love to wake up one Xmas morning and see the world cloaked in a blanket of snow!Visit me @

  2. We have a White Christmas about once every 5 years. I think this is going to be another green year. Then, we’ll have the summerlike week in January, and it’s back to sub-freezing temperatures.Visit me @

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