France’s Tallest Bridge

Not only does this bridge have a “wow” factor, it is one I’ve watched develop over the last few years. The A75 motorway connects Clermont Ferrand with the Mediterranean and is a rare beast in France; a free motorway. However, the latter part is patchy, forcing the traveller onto the N9 just north of Millau where it is not yet complete. Now while the N9 is a nice twisty stretch of road, the wind down into Millau and back out again usually involves watching the rear end of a truck for most of the way as it is too narrow and twisty to make a safe overtake – although sometimes on the bike an opportunity presents itself and I take it .

For the past few years on our journeys to the Languedoc Roussilon, we have watched a spectacular structure take its elegant form over the valley above Millau. Today, President Chirac opened the bridge and it is open to traffic on Thursday. We are taking the overnight ferry on Saturday to spend Christmas in our French house, so will be travelling across this wonderful piece of engineering on Sunday afternoon. At €4.6 its going to be worth it (a positive bargain, indeed). Added to that, it will knock about 45 minutes off our journey.

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