
Some of you with eagle eyes may have noticed the BlogHop voting button has gone missing. There’s a reason for this and a perfectly logical one. I shall explain. The BlogHop system allows Blog visitors to vote according to their preference. Votes are graded from Love it to Hate it and several grades between – i.e. Good, Okay, Sucks. During the few weeks that I had the buttons on the blog, I received 10 votes as follows:

3 x Love it
2 x Good
2 x Okay
2 x Sucks
1 x Hate it

So what did this tell me? And therein lies the problem. It told me that three people do not like my Blog. And? So? What did they not like? The colour scheme? Or, more probably, they disagreed with my comments. Fine, when I publish my thoughts, I must expect that some people will disagree and I certainly don’t have a problem with it. Indeed, if people have something to say, then they are actively encouraged to comment and we can have a discussion. I might even change my opinion in the face of reasoned argument that opens up a line of thought I had not previously followed. Generally though, if I knew what exactly those three people thought, would I make any changes? No. So why bother?



  1. A bunch of ratings are actually just a big collection of individual opinions. So, if you have some who think it’s good, and some who think it’s a bad site, they can’t both be right. Why bother? ;^)Visit me @

    [Longrider replies] Yeah, exactly.

  2. I dunno tho’ I rather like the idea of pissing someone off so much that they go to a 3rd party rating site to release some vitriol. I would take that as something of a job well done! But then it has been said that I may have leaning to be a bit of a bolshy bastard!Visit me @

  3. I dislike criticism of any kind, I see it as a personal attack. I know there’s no logic to that but it’s how I feel. Whenever it happens, I go to ground and really become hard on myself, do a lot of negative self-talk and all sorts.Visit me @

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