
Michael Hammond was sentenced today for four and a half years for conning his way into Windsor (Saxe Coberg Gotha) Castle. Yup, four and a half years for blagging his way into one of the many homes of our over privileged and useless royal family. Why? Because, according to the judge,

“Quite apart from the stress and fear that must have caused those people, you created the risk of something much worse.”

Oh, yes, he could have walked in on the Queen – horror of horrors. So what exactly did this evil felon actually do? Er, he was a public nuisance. That’s it, a public nuisance and he gets four and a half years in chokey.

Meanwhile a driver involved in a high speed car chase is sent down for three years. He will serve around 18 months. Okay, so the cases are different and tried by different judges – but really…

It seems that our system puts less value on the lives of ordinary people than it does on the parasites who inhabit such places as Windsor Castle and Buckingham Palace. It was ever thus, of course.

It’s just a shame Robespierre and his mob of Jacobins didn’t cross the channel and sort ’em all out. He’d have known what to do.


  1. I remember Princess Anne a few years back, getting caught speeding excessively several times and only getting warnings whereas a very well known Rock musician just a few days later got banned and fined for doing a quite considerable amount less. Then there was her royal dog that bit that child, it’s still living I believe. And what about that prat who dressed up as Osama? He didn’t get chokey did he? As far as I’m concerned, a carefully laid strip of Semtex the night he walked in there would have solved quite a few problems but then I’m not a Royalist. There is only one thing worse (to me) than seeing the newspapers clogged up with airhead celebs and Shrub and that’s anything to do with the Royals. I can’t stand them.Visit me @ http://iridescence.blog-city.com/

  2. I just sat down to write that post Mark. He is just an attention seeking prat and no danger to anyone, still some judge will find himself in the Queen’s birthday honours list.John

    [Longrider replies] I have noticed a tendency for crossover posting here. I find that often you have blogged about the same thing or beat me to it. There are a number of possible explanations:

    1 – We both lean a little left of centre
    2 – We are both from the UK and read the same news stories
    3 – We are both republicans
    4 – Great minds think alike
    5 – Fools seldom differ

    Take your pick

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