1. Hey Mrak, don’t give yourself a hard time over it, it was an honest mistake. Oooh, I forgot. It’s Thursday today isn’t it? Question Time and This Week is on later. I’m a happy bunny!Visit me @ http://iridescence.blog-city.com/

    [Longrider replies] Given that several major newspapers got it wrong as well, I find it mildly amusing. Usually I can see through these things. This time, I didn’t. Oh, well, can’t be perfect all the time…

  2. Did you see QT last night? It got very tense with at one point, David Dimbleby talking about stopping it altogether. Then I tuned into This Week hoping for a respite and then found that Christian moralist Anne Atkins was on talking about Charles and Camilla and had to turn it off, feeling that she had now tainted the programme. I loathe that woman!Visit me @ http://iridescence.blog-city.com/

    [Longrider replies] Didn’t see it. Christian moralists irritate the hell out of me no matter what the subject.

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