Gratification Before Duty

There are two stories in the news relating to the impending nuptials of Charles and Camilla. The first, in the Telegraph picks up on the Queen’s attitude to the whole thing. It seems that she feels Charles is putting

personal gratification before duty

What this tells us is that she is completely out of touch with the modern world. This idea of “duty” whatever that is supposed to mean is nonsensical. After all, what does the Queen or the Prince of Wales do that is going to be affected by his marriage? If she was that concerned, why is she not voicing her displeasure at his “living in sin?” Ah, but that, it seems is okay – it is the marriage of a divorcee that is the problem. Then, again, I’ve commented on the utter hypocrisy of that one before.

Given that by and large, the populace are either indifferent or happy enough with the arrangements, it is the Queen who is out of step. Will someone remind her that this is 2005 and not 1805, please?

The other story is in the Times. Here, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams wades into the affair with his idiotic opinions. This man heads up a church that is tearing itself apart over gay clergy, is considering reintroducing heresy trials and yet thinks it is okay to preach to the rest of us about morality. The man is incompetent to do so. Worse, though, according to a royal insider (whatever one of those is)

“He is set against the televising of the ceremony. There are particular sensitivities around the marriage within the church.”

Now, I’m really mad. Hopping, even. This buffoon is deciding what we are to watch on television. Not that I want to, mind. It’s the principle. How dare this jackanape dictate what the nation watches on television. The decision to televise or not should remain firmly with the couple concerned – and no one else.

I defer to Denis Diderot as far as these awful people are concerned.

Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.

Anyone got a gutting knife handy?


  1. Can I improve on old D.D’s quote by adding…’BY ME’ ! !John

    [Longrider replies] You’ll have to get in the queue… 😉

    This conversation is continuing over at my Forum: Queen Lukewarm

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